Our workshops topics and speakers are chosen by Rooted’s Steering Committees, two diverse groups of youth pastors and parents from different contexts and parts of the country. This year, Rooted 2022 will feature more than 20 different workshop topics and two tracks- one for youth ministers and volunteers and another for parents of teens.
1+2 Samuel as Ancient Literature for Teenagers
Speaker: Seth Stewart
Humans learn through stories. Most of Scripture is narrative. Seth discusses the formative power of literature and how to expose and teach from the narratives of 1 and 2 Samuel to transform your students' hearts.
"An Old Enemy of Mine:" The Pastor and Depression
Speaker: Dr. Brian Albert
Addiction: Your Story Matters
Speaker: Chris Ellman
This workshop will provide practical tips to help you walk alongside and disciple those struggling with pornography/sex addiction. Chris will look at how addiction negatively impacts the brain, define the two types of trauma and discuss what is necessary for healing and recovery.
Anxious, Embodied Souls: What is the Remedy?
Speaker: Liz Edrington
Bible Storying: Teaching the Scriptures to a Post-Christian Generation
Speaker: Kendal Conner
In his book “Meet Generation Z,” James Emery White describes our current student generation as America’s first, true post-christian generation. White defines a post-Christian generation as one raised without “even a memory of the gospel.” If this is true, then even if our students are familiar with Biblical ideas, we can no longer operate under the assumption that our students are coming to us with a foundational understanding of who God is and what Jesus has done. Add to this shrinking attention spans and social-media formed discernment, how can we possibly faithfully teach and train our students in the Scriptures?
In a generation being raised with little to no understanding of the gospel, maybe an evangelism tool that began as a resource for unreached people groups is exactly what our students need to both know the Word, and to be equipped as evangelists in their post-Christian world.
What Does the Countercultural Christian Family Look Like?
Speaker: Josh Hussung and Anna Meade Harris
There's a lot of talk among Christians right now about "living counterculturally," leading our kids to follow Jesus rather than the culture around us. How should we consider "living counterculturally," and what does that mean for our daily lives? Parents need wisdom from the Scripture and guidance from the Holy Spirit to help us juggle our finite resources of time, money, and attention. In this workshop, Josh and Anna will talk about some of the ways you can discern how your family will live as salt and light in a confusing and dark cultural moment.
Creating a Vibrant and Intergenerational Youth Ministry Team
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Chris Polski
How can youth ministers build a vibrant and intergenerational youth ministry team in their local congregational context? How can they make the best use of volunteers, parents, regular church members, and even the senior pastor in order to increase the vibrancy and intergeneration of their approach to youth ministry? Come and hear from the experiences of Chris Polski, now a Senior Pastor but formerly a Youth Pastor, as he talks about what he’s learned about team ministry in over thirty years of ministry.
Deconstruction, Destruction, and Doubt
Speaker: Barnabas Piper
“Deconstruction” is a loaded word. It stirs up fear and anger, it seems to rattle very foundations of the Christian faith but what is it? And how can Christians respond with gospel clarity and charity? In this breakout Barnabas Piper will explain what deconstruction is, what it isn’t, and how we can respond in a Christ-honoring way.
Discipling Doubters
Speaker: Barnabas Piper
Doubt is often seen as a threat to faith and something to be smothered. But what if doubting and questions are actually an open door for biblical truth and an opportunity for the gospel to become real? In this breakout Barnabas Piper will walk you through how to disciple a doubter toward faith.
From Frustrating to Fruitful: Hope for your Middle School Ministry
Speaker: Vince Greenwald
Finding Hope in the Midst of Hate: 3 Practices to Empower & Equip Teens of Color to Address Racism in Their Everyday Lives
Speaker: Dr. Michelle Reyes
In this workshop, Michelle will talk about Biblical perspectives on addressing racism (and the role of cultural identity within this), healthy modes of engagement, and how to create safe spaces for retreat.
How to Start a Family Ministry: A Practical Workshop
Speaker: Cameron Cole
Everyone knows the importance of having a family ministry in the church. That is easier said than done when you are a young youth pastor who may not be married or have children. This workshop will feature Cameron Cole talking about how he started the family ministry at his church before he had children. It will offer a practical guide on steps that a youth pastor or volunteer can take to having a parent discipleship equipping ministry in their church.
Intergenerational Integrations Across Cultures
Panelists: Isaiah Marshall, Kevin Yi, Chelsea Erickson and Clark Fobes
Matthew as Ancient Literature for Teenagers
Speaker: Seth Stewart
Humans learn through stories. Most of Scripture is narrative. Seth discusses the formative power of literature and how to expose and teach from the narrative details of Matthew to transform your students' hearts.
Ministering to our Kids While in the Ministry
Speaker: Katie Polski
Personal Rhythms for Gospel-Centered Ministry
Speaker: Jared Wilson
It is not enough to be gospel-centered in philosophy or paradigm. In order to adorn what we say with our very lives, those committed to gospel-centrality need to commit themselves to disciplines and rhythms of life that are shaped by grace. This workshop will offer some personal reflections and directives every Christian leader can adopt to ensure they aren’t just gospel-centered in principle but also in person.
Raising a Child Who is Resisting the Faith
Speaker: Luke Paiva
What does the Gospel have to say about raising unbelieving children? It is easy to feel overwhelmed and alone when our child seems lost in doubt and unbelief. In this workshop we will find hope and wisdom in God's Word as we seek to lead the next generation to lifelong faith in Jesus.
Teaching Justification to Students
Speaker: Greg Meyer
Justification is part of the grand story of God’s love and salvation that is unfolded in the Bible. In it we see the very heart of God displayed: His steadfast love for sinners, His free mercy and grace, and His perfect justice. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate this core doctrine to a generation of students that is more Biblically and theologically illiterate than those in the past. In this workshop, Greg Meyer will further unpack justification as it relates to youth ministry and share some thoughts about how to skillfully apply it to the lives of students — that they might find lasting comfort and joy in Christ.