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8 Plenaries:
23 Workshops:
The rooted conference surpassed all my expectations for what would be offered. This was my first time attending the conference, and I have reported back to my staff team that we all need to be present for next years offering!
So helpful to be reminded year after year of the Gospel of Grace. I find that this time of year is when I need to be reminded of who I am in Christ and this conference does that so well. I love the whole conference and leave refreshed and renewed! Super practical, faith building and soul nourishing.
This conference was a great help to my faith, and I'm still processing how it will influence my ministry, but I'm sure it will be a blessing. What I found most helpful was the Gospel-centered preaching and vulnerability of the speaker, which motivates me to be present and humble before those I serve. I wish there was a little more space to interact or be encouraged by other members of the body of Christ in how they are serving their teens. The Asian American Church pre-conference was a good mix of teaching and mingling in my opinion.